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Less than 2 Weeks Left to Tell Congress Why Nutrition Assistance Matters

SNAP, school lunch, summer meals and other nutrition assistance programs are all essential to ensuring millions of low-income families can get the nutrition they need when they fall on hard times. Yet these programs and the people they serve are not always well understood by both the public and elected officials. We have seen proposals to cut or restrict access to these programs arise in Congress and in statehouses across the nation.

Fight back and educate policymakers by sharing your story about your experience with nutrition assistance programs. The campaign ends July 17th – be sure to make your voice heard!


As a part of the campaign, four people who participate by sharing their story and personal experience will have the opportunity to have their expenses paid to come to Washington, D.C., to share their message in a day of action: meetings with officials, members of the media, and advocates. If you work or volunteer for a service agency, community group, or congregation, you can help by encouraging people who have used nutrition programs to share their story.

If you have any questions about the campaign, check out our Campaign Toolkit (PDF). You can also email Michael Richardson at [email protected] or call at (202) 390-2702.

A project of the Center for American Progress


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